10 minutes ago a picture of Damir Ljubicic with
australian and american flags on the backgroung has been appeared on the
official band's Facebook page. It was accompanied bythe words "Greetings
from Los Angeles...more news coming soon...". Looks like some
interesting events or announcements waiting for us in the nearest
days/weeks/monthes. Probably, this is a Damien's participation in some
business stuff or even news about upcoming album.
UPDATE: a few days lateranotherphoto has benn published andas it turned out,it was taken on recent Wasteland Weekendfestivalin California, USA.It turns out thatDamirflew toLosAngelesto shoot some takes for the new music video of Undercode for the song from"Post-Apocalyptic",which is presumably called "Indians"! AS we can see according to the photo, this video will beclearlymadein the spiritof the legendarytrilogy"Mad Max",whoseardent fanisDamirand which was a heavy inspiration for Undercode'snew album. Looks like Undercode decided to seriouslyget back to the business again. We'are waiting for some new announcements and news from the brave Croatians of post-apocalyptic wastelands now!